Evening Grosbeak

Order: Passeriformes

Family: Fringillidae

Genus: Coccothraustes

Species: vespertinus

**Audio Below**


  • Length: 8"
  • Wing span: 14"
  • Weight: 2.1 oz (60 grams)
  • Large black, white and yellow finch
  • Large stocky yellowish bill
  • Male and female plumages are distinctly different
  • Males: Large black head with bright yellow eyebrow, dark yellow back and belly, black wings with large white secondaries and a bright yellow bill
  • Females: Large grey head with dark lores, greenish nape and back, grey chest and belly, black and white wings and a dull yellow bill **Females: last four photos to the right


  • Even though it is a Grosbeak it is more closely related to a house finch than any other Grosbeak species.
  • Large and brightly colored, the Evening Grosbeak is a noticeable winter visitor to bird feeders during irruption years. When a flock settles down to feed, it can clean out a surprisingly large amount of sunflower seeds in a short time
  • Winter irruptions occur frequently throughout their range
  • A female Evening Grosbeak collided with a small airplane in Colorado at 1.9 km (6,200 ft) above ground, (3.8 km (12,468 ft) above sea level). Whether this high altitude is unusual for this species is unknown
  • Evening Grosbeaks appear not to have a well developed song used in the normal functions of mate attraction and territory defense




























All photographs and audio clips are ©Jamie Mullin 2006

Sources: Cornell Lab of Ornithology & The Sibley Guide to Birds.

December 13, 2007 #208