Pelican Case. Yellow, Water proof. Comes with lots of individiual squares in the foam padding that you can arrange any way you like. Inside dimensions witht he foam are 18 X 13 X 4 in inches.


Nikon D80 body

Nikon Nikkor AF-S 70-300mm Zoom VR lense

Nikon D80 body with attatched 70-300mm lense with attatched lense hood

OLD Camera:

Digital Konica Minolta 6 mega pixels 12 times Optical zoon

Azden shot gun microphone Model # SGM 2X. AAA batteries. This is a great microphone that works very well witht he digital voice recorder listed on this page. I have been very happy with the results.

OLD Audio Recorder:

Olympus digital voice recorder. Model # WS-320M

200MB capacity, can add music in mp3 format. Requires 1 AAA battery. Records audio in mono but an adapter can be used for stereo recording.